Get Involved

Compete, Judge, Volunteer or Sponsor

Ready to start your STEM Racing Journey?

No matter what your situation, we’re excited to welcome you to the STEM Racing challenge! Below are ways to get involved - whether it be as a competitor, teacher, volunteer, or other!

Compete - Students & Parents…

Jump in and join the challenge! Start your journey as a competitor by attending one of our Informational Sessions to learn more about STEM Racing and then affiliate your school to get started! Anytime during the school year is a great time to get started, but especially in the Fall so you’re eligible to attend a Regional Finals! As an overview, you can find the steps to competition here, and remember, we’re only an email away!

Affiliate and start today →

Lead - Teachers & Mentors…

Bring STEM Racing to your school or area! Check out our Informational Session Recording on Youtube to learn more about the commitment required for a Lead Adult. Then, dive right in by affiliating your school and checking out the resources available to get your students started! If you have questions at any time, you can reach out to us at - we’re here to help!

Affiliate Or Contact Us with Questions→

lend a hand - Judges, industry experts, & volunteers…

Calling all judges - help us make competitions a reality! Sign up for our mailing list to receive invitations to judge at future competitions, or to serve as volunteers on our Track Staff. Applications for judges are also posted before each competition on our social media and website.

Sign up for our Judges Mailing List →

Give Back - Alumni

Join the other side of the track as judges, mentors, or volunteers (see above)! We also greatly value the feedback from our alumni to help steer the direction of the program. Consider joining our Working Group to stay up to date on the behind the scenes progress and help us recruit new schools, sponsors, and students.

Sign up for our Judges Mailing List →

Partner - Industry partners & Sponsors…

Help us create the next generation of STEM professionals by partnering with Nexus North America (our 501c-3 organization)! Invaluable donations by our sponsors and partners allow us to bring the competition to life and impact thousands of students. Learn more about our partners here or send us a message to get in contact with our team.

Learn more about our Partners or Contact Us Today →

inspire - join our working group OR national staff…

We are always looking for passionate volunteers who want to give back to students throughout the US and Canada!

Our bi-monthly Working Group brings together professionals who hold a stake in the success of STEM Racing and provides a forum for brainstorming ideas, feedback on the direction of the program, and low-commitment tasks to help the program. If you’re interested in a larger commitment, becoming a member of our National staff, gives you the opportunity to work with a highly dedicated team of volunteers that spans North America. Along the way, you’ll develop new skills and help bring STEM opportunities to students in one-on-one interactions with schools and our partners. From marketing and accounting to event management and logistics planning, we are always looking for new talent! Reach out to to learn more.